We have students who have gone on to work with...

Student Commitment
We commit to training our students to be successful in the professional workplace. Students complete language, software and technical training but also understand the importance of solution focussed skills, group dynamics, and professionalism. Our goal is to help students find a successful career.
Our Commitment to Employers
For the past 25 years WQCC has been training students for the workforce. Our success relies on two performance indicators. First, are students being employed from placement? Secondly, are employers coming back to ask for more students. In both cases we are consistently reaching our goals. We know that we will have a student that can bring all of the skills you are looking for. ​
Meeting Industry Expectations
Our students work with modern offfice hardware. We use the most up to date software and are continually upgrading. Currently we use Office 365, Sage 50 2021, and Profile 2022, We want our students to be comfortable with the software they will be using in your workspace.